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Play at: http://www.littlebigplay.com/games/1390

Genre: Arcade

Mobile versions: n/a

Description: Urban exploration and puzzle solving - an innovative hybrid of Prince of Persia and Sokoban.

Instructions: Enter the puzzle platformer: Taking cues from urban exploration and classic platform adventure games, Boondog will send you running, mantling and kickjumping through 20 trap-filled factory stages. Your dexterity and lateral thinking will be tested to the limit as you learn to traverse the environment. Track the development of your skills through online leaderboards for each stage.

Jump Up/Climb: [UP ARROW]
Jump Forward/Push: [Z]
Hang from platform/drop down: [DOWN ARROW]
Pause game: [P]
Restart level: [R]
Quit to menu: [Esc]
Toggle sound: [0] (Zero)
Volume up/down: [+]/[-]